Budget Highlights

The budgetary balance amounts to -2.6 billion euros in the 2024 initial budget (IB). The Government of Flanders always aims for a balanced budget, the so-called balanced budget target.

Budgetary balance 2023-2024 (in thousands of euros)
IB¹ 2024 AB² 2023 IB¹ 2023
Consolidated ESA revenues (1) 58,454,679 56,838,384 57,018,437
Consolidated ESA expenditures (2) 64,064,211 62,555,985 62,328,162
Consolidated ESA result (3=1-2) -5,609,532 -5,717,601 -5,309,725
Underutilisation (4) 1,693,617 1,652,776 1,390,328
Consolidated ESA result after underutilisation (5=3+4) -3,915,915 -4,064,825 -3,919,397
ESA corrections (6) 173,163 997,683 997,683
Corrected budget balance (7=5+6) -3,724,752 -3,067,142 -2,921,714
Oosterweel project (8) 612,118 479,642 339,283
Recovery plan revenues (9) -431,635 -511,167 -501,369
Recovery plan expenditures (10) 896,361 1,129,117 1,140,915
BALANCE AFTER CORRECTIONS (11=7+8+9+10) -2,647,908 -1,969,550 -1,942,885

¹IB: initial budget; ²AB: adjusted budget

How is the budgetary balance calculated?

The difference between the total ESA revenues (58.5 billion euros) and ESA expenditures (64.1 billion euros) equals the consolidated ESA budget balance (-5.6 billion euros).

A number of corrections are applied to obtain the corrected ESA budget balance (-3.7 billion euros):

  • corrections for expected underutilisation (1,693.6 million euros):
    • university colleges and universities (219.0 million euros)
    • other types of underutilisation ((1,474.6 million euros)
  • additional ESA corrections (173.2 million euros)

A few specific items are excluded from the balanced budget target:

  • the construction costs of the Oosterweel link (0.6 billion euros)
  • revenues from the Flemish Resilience recovery plan (0.4 billion euros)
  • expenditures for the Flemish Resilience recovery plan (0.9 billion euros)

That results in the budgetary balance compared to the balanced budget target (-2.6 billion euros).